The last couple months have been a complete whirlwind. Wes and I found a place and as of 15 days ago we are Roomies! It's been really fun, but moving in together has been taking ALOT longer than I thought it would. We both have so much stuff, combining it and getting rid of some of it and figuring out where it all goes has become a pain in the ass. So even though we are 15 day roomies, our new home is only have unpacked. The downstairs is looking really nice. The upstairs....MMmm, not so much. It's a work in progress and to be honest, I don't really care if it takes another month, living together is fun!
With all of the moving and living without a fridge for a week we were forced to eat only quick greasy fast food 3 times a day. And lets not forget, Thanksgiving just passed and even though it was only the two of us and my kitchen was not completely unpacked, you better believe that I made a whole thanksgiving spread. And together we ate almost all of it. Except for the stuff that I put in the freezer for a rainy day. I literally watched Wes eat a whole apple pie to himself in 3 days. While I find that disturbing, I practically did the same thing with the pumpkin. And lets not forget all the eating and drinking that we took part in for dear Andy and Alana's wedding in October. After the last couple months, my jeans were starting to get tight and shirts weren't looking how they used to. Infact, although its been building up for the last 9 months, Wes and I realized on Thanksgiving day that we had built relationship guts. Gasp!
It happened. We turned into Robin and Barney!
So that night we did some research on a couple diet plans and found one that we thought we could handle. The GM diet. I had actually heard about this diet before from Jesus Jugs. So Wes and I agreed that the Monday after the holiday weekend we would defeat the diet together!
The GM diet is a strict 7 day meal plan that is set to help you lose 10-17lbs. Here is what you do:
They give you a cabbage soup recipe that you can eat as much as you want throughout the week. If you would like to see it, it can be found here. The rest of the diet is as listed.
Day 1.
All fruits except bananas. You can have as many fruits as you like. The most recommended ones are melon and cantaloupe. This day prepares your body for the rest of the days. You can also eat the soup, although I didn't make this until day 2.
Day 2.
Vegetable day. You can eat as many raw or cooked vegetables as you like. It is best to avoid dressing entirely or stick to lemon juice. For breakfast, you need to eat a large baked potato which may be flavored with one pat of butter.
Day 3.
Any fruit and veggies that you like except bananas.
Day 4.
Bananas and milk day. You can eat as many as 8 bananas and have up to 3 tall glasses of milk. You may also have the GM soup. By this day, your sugar cravings should be dramatically reduced.
Day 5.
Is all about beef and tomatoes. Eat two 10 oz. portions of lean beef in the form of steak or burger. You must eat 6 whole tomatoes and drink one more quart of water. The water will help you purify your body from within.
Day 6.
Eat as much beef and vegetables as you like. According to the diet, by day 6 you should have lost a considerable amount of weight.
Day 7.
On this day you can eat brown rice and vegetables, and drink juice fruits.
I started the diet at 116 lbs. Currently, we are on day 5. Beef and tomatoes. Day 4, the bananas and milk day was the one I dreaded most but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm not a milk person and before this day I could not imagine drinking 3 whole glasses of milk. But being deprived of any dairy for 4 days it was actually really nice to have the milk. for dinner I combined milk, ice and bananas and made a smoothie which was very easy to drink. I also had some of the soup. This morning I weighed myself at the scale came in at 111 lbs! 5 lbs lighter than I was on Monday! Wes is down 10 lbs.
We have followed the diet very strictly, doing everything exactly as the diet states. It has not been easy, however it has gotten easier as the days go on. I actually think that today, beef and tomatoes will be the hardest. Plain hamburger isnt really my thing and 20 oz. is alot for me to eat. We got steaks for dinner so that should be good. After today, the rest should be a walk in the park!
I'll let you know how it goes!
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